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Запечен патладжан с моцарела

от общо 129 гласа
Време: 55 мин.
Ниво: лесно
Порции: 4

Запечен патладжан с моцарела photo-credit Вкусни запечени патладжани с моцарела

Начин на приготвяне

1. Измиваме и нарязваме патладжаните по дължина като ветрило. Отрязваме дръжките. Посоляваме и оставяме да се изцедят, доколкото е възможно.

2. Загряваме мазнината и задушаваме ситно нарязания лук и чесън с малко вода, сол и черен пипер. Добавяме ригана и обелените и нарязани на кубчета домати. Почистваме изпечените червени чушки и ги нарязваме на лентички и добавяме в соса. Готвим около 5-8 мин.

3. Намасляваме тавичка и нареждаме патладжаните като ветрило. Поливаме с доматения сос, поръсваме със зехтин и слагаме в предварително загрята фурна и печем около 30-40 мин. на 200 градуса.  Преди да ги извадим, поставяме кръгчета моцарела, за да се запекат.

4. Гарнираме с листенца пресен босилек.

13 Коментара

  1. Small

    Wildlife removal in Brampton is a crucial service that helps maintain a balance between urban development and the natural habitat of various animal species. Brampton, like many other urban centers, faces challenges with wildlife intrusion into residential and commercial properties. From raccoons and squirrels to skunks and bats, these animals often seek shelter and food in human-made structures, posing risks to both property and public health. Wildlife Removal Brampton

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    Affordable Wildlife Control offers expert wildlife removal services in Mississauga, Ontario, specializing in the humane handling and prevention of raccoon and squirrel infestations. Their team uses effective strategies to safely remove these animals from residential properties, ensuring minimal disruption and harm. The services extend to thorough inspections to identify entry points and potential attractants, followed by professional sealing and proofing techniques to prevent future wildlife issues. Emphasizing customer satisfaction, they provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each client, promoting coexistence with urban wildlife while protecting homes from damage and health risks associated with unwanted animal guests. Squirrel Removal

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    Andrew Bosin's firm is committed to delivering results for startups, providing them with the legal framework they need to thrive in a competitive market. SaaS Lawyer

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    Live casino games provide the ultimate gaming experience for enthusiasts. Togel Toto Togel

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    Casinos are establishments where individuals can engage in various forms of gambling activities, ranging from slot machines to table games like poker, blackjack, and roulette. These venues have been around for centuries, offering entertainment, excitement, and the chance to win big or lose it all. 우리카지노

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    However, it's important to remember that gambling can also pose risks, and responsible gaming practices are essential. Casinos promote responsible gambling by providing resources such as helplines and support groups for those who may be struggling with addiction. Additionally, they implement measures such as age restrictions and self-exclusion programs to ensure that gaming remains a safe and enjoyable activity for all patrons. 범죄도시4

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    But our blog is more than just recipes; it's a community of food lovers sharing their passion for all things gastronomic. Here, you'll find tips, tricks, and techniques to elevate your cooking game and make every meal a memorable experience. koket

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    Affordable Wildlife Control offers expert wildlife removal services in Mississauga, Ontario, specializing in the humane handling and prevention of raccoon and squirrel infestations. Their team uses effective strategies to safely remove these animals from residential properties, ensuring minimal disruption and harm. The services extend to thorough inspections to identify entry points and potential attractants, followed by professional sealing and proofing techniques to prevent future wildlife issues. Emphasizing customer satisfaction, they provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each client, promoting coexistence with urban wildlife while protecting homes from damage and health risks associated with unwanted animal guests. Squirrel Removal

  11. Small

    Affordable Wildlife Control offers expert wildlife removal services in Mississauga, Ontario, specializing in the humane handling and prevention of raccoon and squirrel infestations. Their team uses effective strategies to safely remove these animals from residential properties, ensuring minimal disruption and harm. The services extend to thorough inspections to identify entry points and potential attractants, followed by professional sealing and proofing techniques to prevent future wildlife issues. Emphasizing customer satisfaction, they provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each client, promoting coexistence with urban wildlife while protecting homes from damage and health risks associated with unwanted animal guests. Squirrel Removal

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    The process of customization begins with understanding the specific requirements and branding preferences of the client. This may involve selecting the right fabric, colors, logos, and any additional embellishments. 制服 訂做

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    Slot machines, perhaps the most iconic feature of any casino, line the floors in rows upon rows. These machines come in all shapes and sizes, each offering different themes and gameplay mechanics. From classic fruit machines to elaborate video slots with bonus rounds, there's something to appeal to every taste. 카지노커뮤니티

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